DOTE Downloads
Download below the latest release of DOTE for your platform. Follow the installation or upgrade instructions.
If you have purchased a PRO or PRO COMMUNITY Edition license, then after installation follow the instructions to unlock the premium features DOTE.
Release notes can be found on GitHub. Also, earlier releases can also be found archived on GitHub.
DOTEbase Downloads
Download below the latest release of DOTEbase for your platform. Follow the installation or upgrade instructions.
To use DOTEbase, you must purchase a PRO or PRO COMMUNITY Edition license. After installation, follow the instructions to unlock DOTEbase.
Release notes can be found on GitHub. Also, earlier releases can also be found archived on GitHub.
Other Downloads
Download an example demo project to import in DOTE. This demo illustrates many of the functions of DOTE using multiple videos and seven different transcripts.
Refer to our help guide for further instructions on how to deploy the project.
Download an example demo DOTEspace to import in DOTEbase. This demo illustrates many of the functions of DOTEbase using multiple projects and transcripts containing many clips, annotations, and collections. An example usage of our Canvas feature is also included.
Refer to our help guide for further instructions on how to import the DOTEspace.
The demo project & DOTEspace are freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA) International license.

360Mash Downloads
Download below the latest release of 360Mash for your platform. Follow the guide.
Release notes can be found on GitHub. Also, earlier releases can also be found archived on GitHub.